CV Casanova's Sweet Pearl

Lot Number:20
Start Time:3/5/2021 1:00:00 AM
Bid Count:2
Winning Bidder:fey66
Starting Bid:$600.00
Bid Increment:$100.00
Current Bid:$1,150.00
Bidding complete

Date of Birth: 10/21/2013

Sex: Female

Owner Name: Alexandra Dees

Breeder: Dees/ McKnight

OCV'd: Yes

PH #: 123

Reg #1: Pending

TTT: 63.375 on 12/21/2019

      Cowboy Chex

   CV Cowboy Casanova 

      Smoky Roan

CV Casanova’s Sweet Pearl 


   Field of Pearls 

      Pearl 434/7


An own daughter of the great Field of Pearls cow and, CV Cowboy Casanova.  We understand that this is not the largest TTT cow in the breed but is a powerful producer.  Her offspring and grand offspring are making a huge impact in our program.  Lots of length, and twist on horns.  She got put with the wrong group of females this past spring and was bred to a Charolais bull for

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The auction starts @ 7:00 PM Central Time on 3/4/2021


If you cannot log in or need help during the auction, please contact Betty @ 432-209-7696

For any questions prior or after the sale call Justin @ 816-536-1083 or 785-562-6363


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