Jamaka Trouble

Lot Number:17
Start Time:3/5/2021 1:00:00 AM
Bid Count:1
Winning Bidder:Cantera
Starting Bid:$600.00
Bid Increment:$100.00
Current Bid:$1,000.00
Bidding complete

Date of Birth: 12/3/2015

Sex: Male

Owner Name: Filip Allen Mangold Partnership

Breeder: Filip Allen Mangold Partnership

PH #: 55/15

Reg #1: BTI92448

TTT: 63.25 on 3/13/2018



   WS Jamakizm 


Jamaka Trouble

      Tejas Star

   Texana Garland’s Gal

      GT Hey Jude Hey


The quickest way to make a dramatic impact in a breeding program is through the influence of a powerful sire. Jamaica trouble has 3 four brothers that have all been doing outstanding jobs for other leading programs in the industry. Unfortunately, he broke both tips but as you can see he has wonderful One Direction and is doing an outstanding job putting great calves on the ground with winning confirmation. We're selling our half interest in this sire.  The new owner will be partnered with Bentwood Ranch, Allen Ranch, Rockin I Ranch. www.crlonghorns.com

No donations for this lot

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The auction starts @ 7:00 PM Central Time on 3/4/2021


If you cannot log in or need help during the auction, please contact Betty @ 432-209-7696

For any questions prior or after the sale call Justin @ 816-536-1083 or 785-562-6363


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