CR Tuff Dancer
Date of Birth: 9/11/2018
Sex: Female
OCV'd: Yes
PH #: 93/8
Reg #1: CTI316694
TTT: 53.5 on 11/30/2020
Cowboy Tuff Chex
Tuff Stuff
Field of Pearls
CR Tuff Dancer
Archer Texa
CR Dance Away
Sun Dancer 76
Lovely heifer by the late, great Tuff Stuff (89"), a son of Field of Pearls and Cowboy Tuff Chex. She is confirmed bred to JBR American Patriot for more 90 and 100" genetics! Excellent opportunity to bring home a lot of potential with this package. The JBR American Patriot calves are showing extreme promise.
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CR Longhorn
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The auction starts @ 7:00 PM Central Time on 3/4/2021
If you cannot log in or need help during the auction, please contact Betty @ 432-209-7696
For any questions prior or after the sale call Justin @ 816-536-1083 or 785-562-6363
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