CR Tuff Bee

Lot Number:6
Start Time:3/5/2021 1:00:00 AM
Bid Count:2
Winning Bidder:amelia
Starting Bid:$600.00
Bid Increment:$100.00
Current Bid:$750.00
Bidding complete

Date of Birth: 4/17/2019

Sex: Female

Owner Name: Alexandra Dees

Breeder: Alexandra Dees

OCV'd: Yes

PH #: 88/9

Reg #1: Pending

TTT: 44.875 on 10/21/2020


      Cowboy Tuff Chex

   Double Tuff Chex 

      BL Rio Blossum 

CR Tuff Bee

      Concealed Weapon

   CR Serious Bee 

      CR Butterfly


Extraordinary young female that has Tuff and BL Rio Blossom on the paternal side of the pedigree.  Her sire is a full brother to Bushwacker Chex.  Her paternal grandmother is BL Awesome Blossom and is one of the strongest milking female lines we have ever found in the Longhorn industry.  On the maternal side, you'll find concealed weapon over a daughter of ZD Kelly. Tons of maternal power and fertility running through this heifer along with outstanding horn genetics.

No donations for this lot

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CR Longhorn 

Online Extravaganza!


The auction starts @ 7:00 PM Central Time on 3/4/2021


If you cannot log in or need help during the auction, please contact Betty @ 432-209-7696

For any questions prior or after the sale call Justin @ 816-536-1083 or 785-562-6363


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