CV Casanova’s Sunflower

Lot Number:20
Start Time:1/27/2021 6:00:00 AM
Bid Count:1
Winning Bidder:Kmcclurelhr
Starting Bid:$600.00
Bid Increment:$100.00
Current Bid:$1,000.00
Bidding complete

Date of Birth: 03-26-2015

Sex: Female

TLBAA No: CI295085*

PH#: 35

Location: Pittsburg, KS


      Cowboy Chex

   CV Cowboy Casanova

      Smoky Roan 

CV Casanova’s Sunflower

      BL Fantom Chex

   CV Sunshine 

      SDR Rios Fiddley


CV Casanova Sunflower is a daughter of the $100,000 CV Cowboy Casanova.  On top of a big sale price he was also syndicated for over $100,000 also.  Her dam sold for over $10,000.  Her bull calves have sold easily off the ranch as trophy steer prospects.  She is bred to Jammin Tex for a spring 2021 calf.  Jammin is a WS Jamakizm son out of Texana Garland Gal.  As you can see in the reference photos this cow can produce color.

No donations for this lot

Welcome to the


Black Hills Longhorn Sale

Auction will go live February 3rd, 2021 at 7pm Central Time


This is a virtual sale. 

All animals are at current owners' ranches. Transportation arrangements can be made post sale. 


If you cannot log in or need any help during the auction please contact Betty @ 432-209-7696


For any questions prior or after the sale call Justin @ 816-536-1083 or 785-562-6363.

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