Smith Longhorns Embryo Package

Lot Number:7
Start Time:1/27/2021 6:00:00 AM
Bid Count:1
Winning Bidder:ShawnTobin
Starting Bid:$600.00
Bid Increment:$100.00
Current Bid:$900.00
Bidding complete

Owner Name: Chad & Janell Smith

Breeder: Chad & Janell Smith

OCV'd: Yes

PH #: 514

Reg #1: CI295323

Location: Killdeer, ND



   Spur Texa

      ECR Eternal Tari 206

Smith Longhorns Emryo Package

      JP Rio Grande

   Shamrock Little Blackie 1010

      Texana Van Horne 


This embryo package is packed with extraordinary individuals who have made groundbreaking achievements in this industry.   There are 5 conventional embryos in this package.   The donor is a large framed black cow that is a daughter of JP Rio Grande and Texana Van Horne.  Her full sister is Sham Rock My World who is now 90" TTT and has produced a 90" TTT son with Cowboy Tuff Chex ( Eagle Texa)  We have two full sisters to this embryo mating that are beautiful blue females.  The sire is a full brother to Shamrock Tari Temptress who is over 95" TTT.  Their dam is the one and only ECR Eternal Tari the only cow in the breed to have produced 5 over 90" TTT daughters all from a different sire.

No donations for this lot

Welcome to the


Black Hills Longhorn Sale

Auction will go live February 3rd, 2021 at 7pm Central Time


This is a virtual sale. 

All animals are at current owners' ranches. Transportation arrangements can be made post sale. 


If you cannot log in or need any help during the auction please contact Betty @ 432-209-7696


For any questions prior or after the sale call Justin @ 816-536-1083 or 785-562-6363.

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Killdeer, North Dakota
United States