CV Brown Sugar
Date of Birth: 04-03-2017
Sex: Female
TLBAA No: CI310323
PH#: 57
Location: Pittsburg, KS
Archer Texa
CV Bullseye
Field of Pearls
CV Brown Sugar
CV Cowboy Casanova
CV Casanova’s Sweetheart 124
BL Rio Darlin 823
CV Brown Sugar is a prime example of the elegant females we produce here at CedarView Ranch. Wonderful conformation, udder attachment, and good fertility. Her sire was right at a ton. His sire is Archer Texa ( WS Jamakizm x Texana Van Horne), also in the pedigree is Feild of Pearls who has given massive influence to the breed. On the bottom side of the pedigree, you will see CV Cowboy Casanova and an almost flawless JP Rio Grande daughter that is a full sister to Jet Black Chex. She is bred to Jammin Tex for a spring 2021 calf.
Welcome to the
Black Hills Longhorn Sale
Auction will go live February 3rd, 2021 at 7pm Central Time
This is a virtual sale.
All animals are at current owners' ranches. Transportation arrangements can be made post sale.
If you cannot log in or need any help during the auction please contact Betty @ 432-209-7696
For any questions prior or after the sale call Justin @ 816-536-1083 or 785-562-6363.
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