A&S Chill

Lot Number:10
Start Time:3/2/2023 6:00:00 AM
Bid Count:14
Winning Bidder:SRlonghorrns
Starting Bid:$750.00
Bid Increment:$100.00
Current Bid:$1,500.00
Bidding complete


Date of Birth:  4/23/2020
Owner Name: Scott and Amelia Picker
Sales Comments:
Really cool color on this young cow. Her family is known for their flat twist. She will definitely be one to watch! She has a really beefy, spotted-up bull calf at side, and we have her exposed back to TCC Zoom an extra fancy bull that is out of the almost 104" TTT TCC Shutterbug cow owned by Tallgrass Cattle Co.  The calf in her belly will have 2 over 100" TTT females and several over 90" TTT.  
No donations for this lot

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CR Longhorn Online Extravaganza

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Thursday, March 9th, 2023 at 7 PM Central Time.

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Harper, Oregon 97906
United States