Lot Number:H18
Start Time:9/4/2022 5:00:00 AM
Bid Count:7
Winning Bidder:zIxNw_x8l5jfunh8
Starting Bid:$1,000.00
Bid Increment:$100.00
Ring:2022 Legends Heifer Sale
Current Bid:$8,750.00
Bidding complete

CONSIGNED BY  Luke & Dave Pine, Pine Brothers Longhorns


PH#: 12

DOB: 03/11/2021


BREEDING: Exposed to HL Jango from 06/01/2022 to 09/09/2022.  80+ days bred to HL Jango. True black bull who measures 88 3/8" and will be around 90" TTT on his 4th birthday.

COMMENTS: OCV’d. Double Dreams will catch your eyes with her fancy coloring along with a beautiful horn set that is rolling back nicely. She is long, tall, and has an 85” TTT dam that produced a heifer selling for 12k earlier this year. Her sire, Double Barrel is also in his mid 80’s and produced progeny selling for 12K, 10K, and 20K. Her genetic package makes her a prime cross for most of the hot young bulls. To sweeten the deal, we have her exposed to our 87” @ 42 months true black bull HL Jango! Don’t miss this opportunity. She will only get better with time. Ask Mike Willinger, he has seen many of these Double Barrel daughters mature. Sire HL Double Barrel is a brother to 96" Helm Dianne, owned by Nathan Jones.  Half maternal sister sold for $12K this spring. Her current measurement is 46.5" TTT

web link: Double Dreams


                HUBBELLS 20 GAUGE


                HUNTS RESPECTED DIANNE  


                LLL MAXIMILLION


                 WF ROULETTE



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Welcome to the 2022 

Legends Longhorn Sale

Sale Catalog- Print version

2002 S. 13th Street
Duncan, Oklahoma 73533
United States