Lot Number:H30
Start Time:9/4/2022 5:00:00 AM
Bid Count:27
Winning Bidder:M7Longhorns
Starting Bid:$1,000.00
Bid Increment:$100.00
Ring:2022 Legends Heifer Sale
Current Bid:$29,000.00
Bidding complete

CONSIGNED BY  Mike Davis, LM Longhorns


PH#: 910

DOB: 02/23/2019


BREEDING: Heifer calf at side born on  4-13-2022 by Dani Boy LM.  Left open to breed to the bull of your choice. The heifer at side is the first one of three of Dani Boy's heifers born in 2022.

COMMENTS: OCV’d. RJF Magic Lady is a Wiregrass Laura grand daughter with a stacked pedigree of legendary longhorns. Heifer at side is one of the first DANI BOY LM heifers born at LM. DANI BOY will be the first bull to boast three 100” females on its maternal side-3S Touchdown Tari, 3S Danica, and TCC Dani. 

web link: RJF MAGIC LADY


                HUBBELLS 20 GAUGE


                KCCI OUTBACK FANCY

                JACK POT

      RJF WIREGRASS LADY              

                WIREGRASS LAURA








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Legends Longhorn Sale

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2002 S. 13th Street
Duncan, Oklahoma 73533
United States